Don't worry, you may have simply created another account! My Singing Monster game progress is saved when associated with an email address, Game Center or Apple account. If your game was associated with one of these login methods, you can regain access to your account by following these steps:

  1. Select Logout from the Options menu
  2. On the Title Screen, select Change User
  3. Select your account’s login method

What if my account wasn't secured to an email address, Game Center or Apple account?

If you were playing on an unsecured Guest account and you are currently seeing a new account, please contact the Monster-Handlers for further assistance.

Please include the new account’s BBB ID you are currently seeing, along with as much of the following information you are able to provide:

  • Level of the lost account
  • Display name of the lost account
  • Friend Codes or display names of any friends added to the lost account

You can find your BBB ID / Friend Code in the Options Menu > Support or in your Friends Menu at the top right.

What if my account was secured to Facebook?

Please see "I can’t log in using my Facebook account!" for assistance recovering an account secured to Facebook.