What are the benefits of making an In-App Purchase?
In addition to the contents you’ve purchased, you will unlock a number of in-game benefits with your first in-app purchase, including:Remova...
Warum habe ich nicht meinen In-App-Kauf erhalten?
Manchmal nimmt die Transaktionsdurchführung etwas Zeit in Anspruch - es kann durchaus vorkommen, dass du bald deine Kaufbestätigung erhältst...
How do I request a refund?
To read Big Blue Bubble's Refund Policy, please click here.iOSPlease contact Apple Support to request a refund.AndroidPlease contact the Mon...
How do I restrict in-app purchases?
Most devices can restrict in-app purchasing through their device settings; this is usually found under a security heading. The settings in t...
Why would I buy from the My Singing Monsters Web Shop?
The My Singing Monsters Web Shop allows you to purchase in-game currency packs using a variety of payment options otherwise not available th...
How long does it take to receive my currency?
As soon as your purchase is successful, your in-game currency will be credited to your account on your next login. If you are experiencing a...
Is it safe to purchase on Web Shop?
The My Singing Monsters Web Shop is provided by our partner Xsolla. Xsolla is PCI DSS Level 1 which refers to the highest level of complianc...
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