My game is crashing!
Your device may be holding onto some "bad data". The best way to clear any of this "bad data" would be deleting and reinstalling the app on ...
“Connection issues. Try again later.” error when trying to log in!
If you have trouble loading the game, follow the tips below:Force quit and relaunch the gameMake sure you are connected to a stable internet...
“Error: HTTP error occurred, could not download” error when trying to log in!
Could you please try clearing your app-store's application-cache, restarting your device and see if that resolves the issue?On most Android ...
“Authorization Failed.” error when trying to log in!
Please double check you are entering the correct login credentials when attempting to login.
Warum höre ich keine Musik wenn ich spiele?
Wenn du zwischen verschiedenen Applikationen wechselst, die auch den Sound benutzen, kann es manchmal geschehen, dass dein Gerät durcheinand...
How do I change the language?
You can change the game's language from the Options menu by tapping "Select Language". Select the Language of your choice from the lis...
How do I enable/disable notifications?
In the Options menu there is a section for Notifications, this allows you to customize what notifications you’re sent from My Singing Monste...
My Monster is making weird noises! What should I do?
You may have used the Recording Studio to replace the Monster’s part.Using the Recording Studio, you can switch between the original Monster...
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