Offer Wall und Anzeigen
Wie funktioniert die Offer Wall?
Mit der Offer Wall von Digital Turbine kannst du Angebote gegen Währung abschließen. Anzahl und Vielfalt der Angebote sind von Region zu Reg...
I’ve completed an offer from the Free Diamonds/Coins menu. Where can I claim my offer wall rewards?
The rewards from the offer wall will be automatically added to your account once the offer has been verified by Digital Turbine.
I haven’t received my rewards from the offer wall yet!
Here's how you can check your offer status:Open the menu located in the top left cornerTap "Status" to view all your offersFind your offer a...
Why can’t I see the offer wall?
If you can’t see the offer wall, then we recommend that you perform a Force Quit of the app, ensure you have a strong connection to the Inte...
How can I disable ads?
You can dismiss ads at any time by making any in-app purchase.
Can I still watch videos for speed ups after making a purchase?
The advertisements removed by making an in-app purchase are the forced video ads on launch. You will still be able to watch videos for speed...
I made a purchase and I’m still seeing ads!
Premium status gets applied to your account once you close and reopen the game. Please perform a Force Quit of the game, ensure you have a s...
Warum kann ich keine Videos von Beschleunigung oder Glücksrad ansehen?
Es gibt mehrere Gründe, warum Videos für Sie möglicherweise vorübergehend nicht erhältlich sind. In den meisten Fällen musst du warten und e...
How do I report Inappropriate Ads?
Have you encountered an inappropriate ad while playing My Singing Monsters? Let us know, and our team will address it with the help of your ...
- Ankündigungen
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- Abrechnung
- Offer Wall und Anzeigen
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- Inseln zappen
- Bernsteininsel
- Kolossingum
- Goldinsel
- Ätherische Werkstatt
- Ätherische Inselchen
- Magische Kreuzung
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