What are the Community Standards?
Big Blue Bubble games are intended to be enjoyed by all audiences. As such, we have some brief but clear community guidelines to ensure a fr...
Why was my account banned?
If we reasonably believe that you’ve breached our Terms of Service or Community Standards, we reserve the right to suspend and/or terminate ...
Can I share my account?
Sharing your account with other players violates our Terms of Service. You are the only person who should have access to your account and yo...
- Ankündigungen
- Konten
- Abrechnung
- Offer Wall und Anzeigen
- Gameplay
- Zuchtmonster
- Spiegel-Inseln
- Feuerinseln
- Magischen Inseln
- Teleportierende Inseln
- Inseln zappen
- Bernsteininsel
- Kolossingum
- Goldinsel
- Ätherische Werkstatt
- Ätherische Inselchen
- Magische Kreuzung
- Stammes-Insel
- Komponisten-Insel
- Währungen
- Konstruktionen
- Aktivitäten
- Technischer
- Gemeinschaftsstandards