Tribal Island
What is a Tribe?
A Tribe is a group of players, led by a Chief, who are working together to achieve the common goal of reaching the highest possible Tribal L...
What is the Tribal Level?
It's up to you to make sure your Monster on Tribal Island stays well-fed; the levels of each Member's Monster are added together to form the...
How do I free the Mysterious Monster?
Once a minimum Tribal Level of 100 is reached, the Mysterious Monster trapped in amber will be freed and will join in the Island song until ...
What are Tribal Rewards?
At the end of the week, the Tribal Level you and your Tribe achieved earns Tribal Rewards for the whole Tribe to share! Everyone in your Tri...
How do I find my Monster on Tribal Island?
To find your Monster on Tribal Island, tap on the 'Pick Me' button. Your Monster is also marked by a musical aura surrounding it.
How do I get more Monsters on Tribal Island?
To access Tribal Island, you must join or create a Tribe. Tribes allow players to work together and earn rewards!Each Tribe member can only ...
How do I create a Tribe?
You can create a Tribe by going to the Map in game and tapping on Tribal Island. The first window that pops up will be invites that you've r...
How do I join a Tribe?
To join a Tribe:1. Find a TribeUse the “Join a Friend’s Tribal Island” or “Join a random Tribal Island” button to find a Tribe. You can brow...
How do I leave a Tribe?
To leave your Tribe:Select “Tribal”Select “Leave Tribe” Keep in mind:Once you leave a Tribe, you will lose any progress towards feeding your...
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- Breeding Monsters
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- Magical Islands
- Teleporting Islands
- Zapping Islands
- Amber Island
- The Colossingum
- Gold Island
- Ethereal Workshop
- Magical Nexus
- Tribal Island
- Composer Island
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