Magical Islands
What are the Magical Islands?
The Magical Islands are Light Island, Psychic Island, Faerie Island and Bone Island.
How do I get Monsters on the Magical Islands?
Monsters can be purchased in the Monsters section of the Market on the Magical Islands. Natural and Magical Monsters cost Coins or Diamonds,...
How do I breed Monsters on the Magical Islands?
Breeding Monsters on the Magical Islands works the same way as on Natural Islands. Select 2 Monsters at Level 4 or higher with different Ele...
Can I place Monsters from the Magical Islands on Gold Island?
Monsters from the Magical Islands cannot be placed on Gold Island, because of conflicts in dimensional magic.
What is a Titansoul?
A Titansoul is a physical manifestation of the ‘soul' of one of the Magical Island Titans. Monsters can be Linked to the Titansoul to raise ...
How do I unlock a Titansoul?
The Light Island Titansoul becomes available for purchase in the Market after completing the Earth Island Colossal Conundrum.
Where can I place a Titansoul?
Titansouls are exclusive to the Magical and Mirror Magical Islands. Only one Titansoul may be placed per Island.
What is a Soul Link?
Monsters can be Linked with the Titansoul to raise its Soul'er Power. Each Linked Monster's Currency-generating power is redirected to the T...
How many Monsters can be Linked to a Titansoul?
Each Titansoul has 12 total Soul Links they can form with Monsters on the Island (4 unique Commons, 4 unique Rares and 4 unique Epics). Link...
How much does it cost to Link a Monster?
A Link can be added or broken for free once per day. Adding or breaking more than one Link per day will cost Currency, but this scaling cost...
What is Soul'er Power?
Soul'er Power is the power level of a Titansoul. Titansouls are powered by the Monsters that are Linked to them. As a Titansoul's Soul'er Po...
How do I increase Soul'er Power?
A Titansoul's Soul'er Power increases based on the Currency-generating power of the Monsters Linked to it. Feeding Monsters that are Linked ...
What Currency does a Titansoul produce?
A Titansoul attempts to convert Coins generated by its Linked Monsters into other Currencies with varying success. The amount and type of Cu...
Can I sell a Titansoul?
Titansouls cannot be sold. After all, selling a soul can have grave consequences!
What are Paironormal Monsters?
Paironormals are a class of Monsters exclusive to the Magical Islands and their Mirror counterparts. Each Paironormal Monster has two forms ...
How do I get a Paironormal Monster?
Add a Paironormal Monster to your collection by buying it in the Market or breeding it in the Breeding Structure. Keep in mind its availabil...
Where can I place Paironormal Monsters?
Paironormal Monsters can be placed on their respective Magical Island and Mirror counterpart.
When are Paironormal Monsters available?
Each form of a Paironormal Monster is only available to buy or breed depending on the day and night cycle of the Human World.
Can I place both forms of a Paironormal Monster on one Island?
Each form of a Paironormal Monster is exclusive to its respective Magical Island or its Mirror counterpart.
Can Paironormal Monsters be teleported?
Paironormal Monsters cannot be teleported to another Island.
What Currency does a Paironormal produce?
Paironormal Monsters produce Coins.
Can Paironormal Monsters breed?
Paironormal Monsters cannot be used as parent Monsters.
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- Breeding Monsters
- Mirror Islands
- Fire Islands
- Magical Islands
- Teleporting Islands
- Zapping Islands
- Amber Island
- The Colossingum
- Gold Island
- Ethereal Workshop
- Magical Nexus
- Tribal Island
- Composer Island
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