Amber Island
How do I get Monsters on Amber Island?
Vessels containing the essences of Fire Monsters are available in the Monsters section of the Market menu on Amber Island. With the exceptio...
How do I turn the Vessels into Monsters?
Once breeding is complete, you can choose to Zap a Monster egg from another Island into a Vessel to give it the spark of life and turn it in...
Which Eggs do I Zap for Vessels?
Check a Vessel's inventory to see which eggs it needs to be revitalized and turned into an egg so it can incubate in the Nursery. Often, mul...
How much time do I have to get Monsters on Amber Island?
With the exception of Kayna's Vessel (which is always available), Vessels of different Monsters are available at different times. Unless all...
What currency do Monsters produce on Amber Island?
After it has been hatched, a Monster on Amber Island will produce Relics at a modest rate.
Can I place Monsters from Amber Island on Gold Island?
Amber Island is the fated home of Fire Monsters on the higher plane, and as such they do not belong on Gold Island.
What is the Crucible?
The Crucible is a Structure unique to Amber Island that you can use to evolve Common Monsters into their Rare and Epic forms.
How do I evolve a Rare Monster?
To evolve a Common Monster into a Rare, you must first feed it to Level 4. Then, you must use a combination of Keys and Relics to heat up th...
How do I evolve an Epic Monster?
Evolving a Common or Rare Monster into its Epic form is more costly and unpredictable. Epic evolutions are only available using the Enhanced...
How do I improve evolution chances?
You can improve the chances of a successful evolution by adding more Relics to the Crucible and raising the Heat Level at the start of the e...
What are Flags?
If an evolution attempt is unsuccessful, the Crucible will unfurl a Flag bearing one of six Elemental sigils. A Monster whose Elements match...
What is retrieval?
After an evolution attempt is completed, there might be some residual Heat remaining in the Crucible. It can be retrieved in exchange for Re...
How do I speed up evolution?
You can speed up an evolution attempt by spending your Diamonds or by watching video ads.
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